Eucharist and Hospitality

“For the Christian, the Lord’s Supper is the consummate reminder of the need to be hospitable to others, even to those very different from ourselves, to the stranger in our midst. There at the Table any question of status or legality is superseded by the embrace of friends and family and fellow believers, by this visible expression and public declaration of the mercy, compassion, and provision of God. To come periodically to the Table, yet without a commitment to kindness and openness to others, is to not do justice to its purpose and spirit. At the very least, the recognition of our sinfulness and of the boundless forgiveness of God should leaven Christian attitudes toward outsiders in need—even those whom we know are here as undocumented immigrants. This orientation in attitude does not solve the legal quandary, but it can impact the direction of the conversation and its tone in ways that resonate with this most important Christian practice.”

– M. Daniel Carroll R., Christians at the Border

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A Love That Conquers


Departures and Arrivals