The Precondition of Joy

“Jesus takes a quite dialectical two-age view of things. He will not be like one-world liberals who view the present world as the only one, nor will he be like the unworldly who yearn for the future with an unconcern about the present. There is work to be done in the present. There is grief work to be done in the present that the future may come. There is mourning to be done for those who do not know of the deathliness of their situation. There is mourning to be done with those who know pain and suffering and lack the power or freedom to bring it to speech. The saying is a harsh one, for it sets grief work as the precondition of joy. It announces that those who have not cared enough to grieve will not know joy.”

—Walter Brueggemann, The Prophetic Imagination


The Seeker and the Monk

